Frequently Asked Questions - Coronavirus COVID-19

COVID-19 & Safe Reopening

Student & Employee FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Coronavirus COVID-19.

If you do not find the answers to your questions below please contact us at

Butte College FAQs

Our focus is to ensure that those who will be on campus will be safe and protected.

Throughout the pandemic we have followed the guidance published by the California Department of Public Health and will continue to do so.


Butte College approved Administrative Procedure 5900 on March 16, 2022. The District is not mandating student vaccinations. 

COVID-19 vaccines are available at the Student Health Clinic for any students or staff who wish to get them. Call 530-310-4806 to request a time to receive a vaccination.
At-home tests are available to employees who feel ill or have been exposed at the Student Health Clinic while supplies last. Email to request tests. 

No.  The program allowing small-scale distribution of COVID-19 vaccines has ended.  Vaccines are available at nearly every pharmacy in Butte, Glenn, Colusa, Sutter & Yuba Counties and at the respective Departments of Public Health.

Make sure we have your latest contact information to receive important emails and district announcements.

Click on the following links to update your contact information in MyBC:

Faculty & Staff Students

For the most current information about our 7 Days to Pay policy, please visit the Admissions and Records webpage.


General FAQs

If you’re sick, please do not come to campus. 

If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have had recent contact with someone who is ill or who has tested positive for COVID-19, please let us know by emailing Your information will be kept confidential, but we will use it (anonymously) to notify others in the classes you have attended of possible exposure. 

If: Exposed to COVID, but no symptoms. 


  • Test within 3-5 days of exposure. 

  • Wear a mask for 10 days after the exposure 

  • If you develop symptoms, stay home and take a test 

Positive COVID test, regardless of vaccination status, previous infection, or lack of symptoms. 


Symptoms are improving or resolved 

AND you’re fever free for 24 hours 

  • Wear a mask around others for 10 full days after initial symptoms or positive test, whichever came first.

If:  You feel ill but have tested negative.


Stay home until you are starting to feel better and are fever free.  Take a COVID test no more than 24 hours prior to your return to campus.
In order to maintain alignment with state and local guidance, face masks are no longer required indoors throughout California.

Butte College encourages individuals who plan to travel domestically or internationally to research their destinations and consult with the CDC or US State Department (for international destinations) before they go.

More information regarding travel is available from the California Department of Public Health


About the Virus

A novel coronavirus is a new coronavirus that has not been previously identified. The virus causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is not the same as the coronaviruses that commonly circulate among humans and cause mild illnesses, such as the common cold.

A diagnosis with coronavirus 229E, NL63, OC43, or HKU1 is not the same as a COVID-19 diagnosis. Patients with COVID-19 will be evaluated and cared for differently than patients with a common coronavirus diagnosis.

Current symptoms reported for patients with COVID-19 have included mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough, and difficulty breathing.

More from the California Department of Public Health.

The current understanding of how the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spreads is primarily based on what is known about similar coronaviruses. COVID-19 is a new disease; there is more to learn about how it spreads, the severity of the illness it causes, and to what extent it may spread in the United States.

Person-to-person spread

The virus is thought to spread mainly from person to person.

  • Between people in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
  • Through respiratory droplets and aerosols are produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.

More from the California Department of Public Health.

Not directly. Though preventing influenza via a flu shot may keep your immune system healthy enough to combat other pathogens such as COVID-19.
  • Keep your immune system healthy by getting plenty of sleep, nutrition, stress relief, and exercise
  • Get Vaccinated: More information is available at from Butte County Public Health
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipes
  • Handwashing is the single most effective means to prevent the spread of disease.  Washing up to the wrists, between the fingers, and under the nails for 20 seconds or more with soap and warm water is highly effective at destroying pathogens.  In the absence of soap and water, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol may be used and the hands should be rubbed together vigorously until completely dry. Hands should be washed often, especially after using the restroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, sneezing, or coughing.
  • Comply with state orders to stay home unless it is necessary for you to leave.

Current Status


Face masks are no longer required indoors in any Butte College facility.


Butte College approved Administrative Procedure 5900 on March 16, 2022. The District is not mandating student vaccinations. However, we strongly encourage everyone to get the COVID-19 vaccination.


Free coronavirus tests are available to staff at any pharmacy utilizing health insurance.


If you are a student or staff member who is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have had recent contact with someone who is ill or who has tested positive for COVID-19, please let us know by emailing Your information will be kept confidential, but we will use it (anonymously) to notify others in the classes you have attended of a possible exposure. Thank you for keeping everyone safe.

Updated August 21, 2023